Babies and Children Tips

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

101-115 Tips

101. Mumps Or Chicken Pox?
Homeopathic 'Belladonna' may help if your child has a sore throat, earache, mumps or chicken pox.

102. What's A Portion Size?
We're urged to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, but what's a portion size for a child? It's the amount that will fit into your child's hand.

103. Adventurous Eaters
Let your children help with the shopping and cooking to encourage them to try new foods.

104. Wash Your Hands
If one of your family has a cold, make sure everyone washes their hands frequently. Viruses often get passed via door handles. They can also be passed via towels, so make sure the person with the cold uses a separate one.

105. Soiling Clothes
The main reason that children soil themselves is that they are constipated. Constipation can make it painful to pass a stool, so the child becomes afraid.

106. Keep Your Child Safe
A child safety seat for children up to the age of 6 reduces the risk of death in a car accident by 28%. Archives of Paediatric & Adolescent Medicine 2006; 160: 617-21

107. Plastic Toys
Only buy good-quality plastic toys for young children. Cheap ones may contain phthalates which are known to cause problems in the body. If the child sucks a cheap plastic toy, they could be getting a dose of phthalates.

108. Love
"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore." Cindy - age 8

109. Cannabis & Teenagers
Cannabis use more than once a week has been linked to an increased risk of psychosis. Psychosis isnt cool. It could happen to you or someone you care about, so pass this information on.

110. Fruit Juice
Fruit juice is acidic and can damage teeth. Encourage your child to drink water. At the very least dilute the fruit juice.

111. Criticising Your Children
Don't make personal critical remarks to your children (or your spouse) that you wouldn't consider making to a friend.

112. A Safe First Aid Remedy
Keep Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy in the house - it's a great help for all the small upsets of life that make our children cry.

113. Flying Kites
Play safe. Fly kites, balloons and model airplanes in wide-open spaces, and particularly avoid power lines.

114. Kids In Cars
make sure your children understand that it's dangerous to distract the driver. Explain this to them when you're not in the car.

115. Small Decisions

Let your children make small decisions even when you know they are wrong. They too learn by their mistakes.

81-100 Tips

81. Sea Sickness?
If possible, stay in the fresh air. If you have to go inside, try to get a seat in the middle of the ship, where the movement is least.

82. Weaning Your Baby
Don't introduce solid foods until your baby is at least 4 months old, and preferably 6 months old.

83. Cleanliness
Research has shown that babies and children do better if they're allowed to encounter some dirt in their lives. They may be less likely to have allergies and asthma.

84. Sporty Kids
If you have sporty kids, don't ask them "Did you win?", ask them "Did you enjoy it?"

85. Recurring Minor Illnesses
If you child has a series of minor ailments, it could be because something is happening at school that is causing the child to be stressed.

86. Too Loud!
Loud music can permanently damage hearing. If your kids like their music loud, turn up the bass, so that the music seems louder, and then you can turn down the volume.

87. Mother's Guilt
Breast feeding gives your baby a great start. But if you can't or won't, feeling guilty isn't going to help your child to have a happy life.

88. Picnic Indoors
Make eating together as a family fun - have an indoor picnic.

89. Studying Know-How
Studying for long stretches is counter-productive. When your child is studying for exams encourage them to take a short break at least once an hour.

90. A Safe First Aid Remedy
Keep Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy in the house - it's a great help for all the small upsets of life that make our children cry.

91. Your Problems
It's good for your children to hear about some of your problems and your strategies for dealing with them. Seeing how you deal with problems gives them important pointers how to do it too.

92. Difficult Births
If your baby or child had a difficult birth, make an appointment to see a cranial osteopath.

93. Cotton Clothes
Nearly a quarter of pesticides used globally are used on cotton. Look out for organic cotton clothing - there's some stylish and fun clothing now in organic cotton.

94. Clingy Child?
Try the homeopathic remedy 'Arsenicum Album' if your child is easily frightened and clingy.

95. House Dust Mites
If you're child scratches while asleep or wakes blocked up, he/she may be reacting to house dust mites.

96. White Spots On Your Nails
White spots in the nails may indicate a zinc shortage.

97. Eczema
Nutritional supplements based on salvestrols may help your child's eczema.

98. Massage For Preterm Infants
A study in US Infant Behavior And Development journal found that gentle massage three times a day of infants in neonatal intensive care reduced stress in pre-term babies.

99. Eating For 2 Or 3 Or More?
Don't finish the food on your children's plates.

100. Toilet Training
"More than 80 percent of children experience setbacks in toilet training. This means that what we call 'setbacks' are really just the usual path to mastery of toileting."

61-80 Tips

61. Untidy Kids?
Put all the items in a box. When the box is full, give your children notice that anything still in the box in 2 days time will be put in the dustbin/garbage.

62. Computers
If adults and children share the same computer, make sure chair height etc. can be (and is) altered for each person.

63. Bedtime, Slow Time
Encourage your child in less energetic activities in the hour before bed, so he/she is able to wind down naturally.

64. Symptoms
Symptoms can be nature's way of telling us something is wrong. When you tackle the symptoms, are you killing the messenger?

65. Children & Vegetables
If your child won't eat vegetables, try them on coloured soups - 'pink soup' (beetroot) is a favourite, as are 'yellow soup' (corn) and 'orange soup' (carrot).

66. Toys
"A child can get everything he wants from 'Toys R Us' and yet, with amazing ease, still have a gloomy mental life. What really matters, in the end, is how much positivity there is inside his little head." Martin E.P. Seligman

67. Sunscreen Protection
No sunscreen can offer total protection against the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays. Don't think that because your child is wearing sunscreen they can stay in the sun for hours.

68. Weaning Your Baby
Don't introduce solid foods until your baby is at least 4 months old, and preferably 6 months old.

69. Eczema And Water
Adults and children with eczema may benefit from washing and showering in filtered water. Buy a filter system for the whole house. They don't have to be as expensive as you might think.

70. House Dust Mites
If you're child scratches while asleep or wakes blocked up, he/she may be reacting to house dust mites.

71. Hay Fever And Exams
Hay fever medication containing chlorpheniramine has been shown to result in a 40% chance of a drop in grade if taken during exams. Try safe, effective homeopathic remedies instead.

72. Colic In Babies
If your baby gets colic, cries a lot and won't settle, get them checked out by a cranial osteopath.

73. Teenage Girls
Many teenage girls don't get enough iron. Encourage them to eat iron rich food. They don't need to eat meat - parsley, apricots, and fortified cereals contain iron.

74. Untidy Kids?
Put all the items in a box. When the box is full, give your children notice that anything still in the box in 2 days time will be put in the dustbin/garbage.

75. Cuts And Grazes
Use natural calendula cream to soothe cuts and grazes.

76. Healthy Eating
If you want your child to eat more healthily, set them an example by eating and enjoying healthy food yourself, but don't make a big deal of it.

77. Mumps Or Chicken Pox?
Homeopathic 'Belladonna' may help if your child has a sore throat, earache, mumps or chicken pox.

78. Try Something New
Try a new recipe or new food each week. Having a broadly based diet will minimise the risk of nutritional deficiencies.

79. Healthy, Fun Drinks For Children
Make ice cubes from fruit juice and add different coloured ones to water for a healthy, fun drink for children.

80. Accident? Injury?
Try homeopathic 'Arnica' if you've had an accident or been injured in some way.

41- 60 Tips

41. Massage For Preterm Infants
A study in US Infant Behavior And Development journal found that gentle massage three times a day of infants in neonatal intensive care reduced stress in pre-term babies.

42. Babies
Don't feel you have to stimulate your baby all the time. Modern toys are often bright and noisy, but babies need quiet time too.

43. Your Children
"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you." Kahlil Gibran 'The Prophet'

44. Carrying Backpacks
Make sure your child's backpack weighs no more than 5 to 10% of his or her body weight. Otherwise the child is likely to bend forward in an attempt to support the weight on his or her back. (American Chiropractic Association)

45. Travel Sickness
Encourage your child to look ahead at the road; may be play a game that involves looking forward.

46. Cuts And Grazes
Use natural calendula cream to soothe cuts and grazes.

47. Mumps Or Chicken Pox?
Homeopathic 'Belladonna' may help if your child has a sore throat, earache, mumps or chicken pox.

48. Finicky Eaters?
Invite a friend who is an adventurous eater to eat some meals with your own child.

49. Selfish Parents!
Your child needs to see you doing things for yourself. This is not you being selfish - you're teaching your child to look after their own needs rather than always expecting other people to do it for them.

50. Travelling
Take the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Alb with you when you go traveling. It's good for stomach upsets from food poisoning, diarrhoea and vomiting.

51. Sweaty Feet
Sweaty feet (particularly in children) can be a sign that the liver is having to work extra hard. Try taking a herbal supplement that supports the liver.

52. Kids & TV
The American Academy of Paediatricians says that high-quality, non-violent TV can have a positive impact on learning, but too much low-quality TV can stunt educational development.

53. Beating Travel Sickness
Eating ginger may help travel and motion sickness.

54. A Healthy Pregnancy
Give your child a good start by planning a healthy pregnancy. Women should take folic acid before getting pregnant and avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy to prevent several birth defects.

55. Summer Colds
A summer cold that goes on and on may be hay fever. Find a therapist who specialises in allergies to help you out.

56. Slow To Walk & Talk?
Try the homeopath remedy 'Baryta Carb.' if your child is slow to talk and walk, backward physically and mentally. Children who need this remedy are often small for their age.

57. Picnic Indoors
Make eating together as a family fun - have an indoor picnic.

58. Taking Exams?
Try the homeopathic remedy Gelsemium before examinations and important events, particularly if you are shaking with fear.

59. Dried Fruit
Eating fruit dried rather than fresh means you get less vitamin C, but it's still better than not eating fruit at all.

60. Your Problems
It's good for your children to hear about some of your problems and your strategies for dealing with them. Seeing how you deal with problems gives them important pointers how to do it too.

21-40 Tips

21. Privacy
Everyone needs privacy - even kids.

22. Small Decisions
Let your children make small decisions even when you know they are wrong. They too learn by their mistakes.

23. Toilet Training
"More than 80 percent of children experience setbacks in toilet training. This means that what we call 'setbacks' are really just the usual path to mastery of toileting." Elizabeth Pantley

24. Selfish Parents!
Your child needs to see you doing things for yourself. This is not you being selfish - you're teaching your child to look after their own needs rather than always expecting other people to do it for them.

25. Mouth Guard
If your child plays hockey, football, rugby or similar spots encourage them to wear a mouth guard.

26. Natural Food Colourings
Children are often allergic/sensitive to natural food colourings because of the chemical solvents used in their production.

27. Food Colours
Natural food colours may contain minute traces of industrial solvents used in their manufacture, which may be a problem for some children.

28. Sporty Kids
If you have sporty kids, don't ask them "Did you win?", ask them "Did you enjoy it?"

29. Slow To Walk & Talk?
Try the homeopath remedy 'Baryta Carb.' if your child is slow to talk and walk, backward physically and mentally. Children who need this remedy are often small for their age.

30. What's A Portion Size?
We're urged to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, but what's a portion size for a child? It's the amount that will fit into your child's hand.

40. Children Don't Sleep?
If your child has problems sleeping, make sure he/she is warm enough.

1-20 Tips

1. Mumps Or Chicken Pox?
Homeopathic 'Belladonna' may help if your child has a sore throat, earache, mumps or chicken pox.

2. Your Children
"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you." Kahlil Gibran 'The Prophet'

3. Smoking In Pregnancy
If you smoke when youre pregnant you increase your risk of miscarriages and your baby is more likely to suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (cot death).

4. Carrying Backpacks
Make sure your child's backpack weighs no more than 5 to 10% of his or her body weight. Otherwise the child is likely to bend forward in an attempt to support the weight on his or her back. (American Chiropractic Association)

5. Inspiration For Today
"No man stands so straight as when he stoops to help a boy." Knights of Pythagoras

6. Children Don't Sleep?
If your child has problems sleeping, make sure he/she is warm enough.

7. Autism
Children with autism may be helped by yoga.

8. Small Decisions
Let your children make small decisions even when you know they are wrong. They too learn by their mistakes.

9. Natural Food Colourings
Children are often allergic/sensitive to natural food colourings because of the chemical solvents used in their production.

10. Summer Colds
A summer cold that goes on and on may be hay fever. Find a therapist who specialises in allergies to help you out.

11. Feeling Afraid & Anxious?
Imagine yourself bathed in green or blue light when you're feeling fearful and anxious.

12. Keep Your Child Safe
Remind your children to remember never to give out personal information such as your name, home address, school name, or telephone number in a chat room or on bulletin boards.

13. Plastic Toys
Only buy good-quality plastic toys for young children. Cheap ones may contain phthalates which are known to cause problems in the body. If the child sucks a cheap plastic toy, they could be getting a dose of phthalates.

14. Dried Fruit
Eating fruit dried rather than fresh means you get less vitamin C, but it's still better than not eating fruit at all.

15. Hay Fever And Exams
Hay fever medication containing chlorpheniramine has been shown to result in a 40% chance of a drop in grade if taken during exams. Try safe, effective homeopathic remedies instead.

16. Starting To Clean Baby's Teeth
Start to clean your baby's teeth as soon as they have any. Even formula and milk can cause tooth decay.

17. Healthy Eating
If you want your child to eat more healthily, set them an example by eating and enjoying healthy food yourself, but don't make a big deal of it.

18. Food Colours
Natural food colours may contain minute traces of industrial solvents used in their manufacture, which may be a problem for some children.

19. Untidy Kids?
Put all the items in a box. When the box is full, give your children notice that anything still in the box in 2 days time will be put in the dustbin/garbage.

20. Dried Fruit
Eating fruit dried rather than fresh means you get less vitamin C, but it's still better than not eating fruit at all.