Babies and Children Tips

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

81-100 Tips

81. Sea Sickness?
If possible, stay in the fresh air. If you have to go inside, try to get a seat in the middle of the ship, where the movement is least.

82. Weaning Your Baby
Don't introduce solid foods until your baby is at least 4 months old, and preferably 6 months old.

83. Cleanliness
Research has shown that babies and children do better if they're allowed to encounter some dirt in their lives. They may be less likely to have allergies and asthma.

84. Sporty Kids
If you have sporty kids, don't ask them "Did you win?", ask them "Did you enjoy it?"

85. Recurring Minor Illnesses
If you child has a series of minor ailments, it could be because something is happening at school that is causing the child to be stressed.

86. Too Loud!
Loud music can permanently damage hearing. If your kids like their music loud, turn up the bass, so that the music seems louder, and then you can turn down the volume.

87. Mother's Guilt
Breast feeding gives your baby a great start. But if you can't or won't, feeling guilty isn't going to help your child to have a happy life.

88. Picnic Indoors
Make eating together as a family fun - have an indoor picnic.

89. Studying Know-How
Studying for long stretches is counter-productive. When your child is studying for exams encourage them to take a short break at least once an hour.

90. A Safe First Aid Remedy
Keep Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy in the house - it's a great help for all the small upsets of life that make our children cry.

91. Your Problems
It's good for your children to hear about some of your problems and your strategies for dealing with them. Seeing how you deal with problems gives them important pointers how to do it too.

92. Difficult Births
If your baby or child had a difficult birth, make an appointment to see a cranial osteopath.

93. Cotton Clothes
Nearly a quarter of pesticides used globally are used on cotton. Look out for organic cotton clothing - there's some stylish and fun clothing now in organic cotton.

94. Clingy Child?
Try the homeopathic remedy 'Arsenicum Album' if your child is easily frightened and clingy.

95. House Dust Mites
If you're child scratches while asleep or wakes blocked up, he/she may be reacting to house dust mites.

96. White Spots On Your Nails
White spots in the nails may indicate a zinc shortage.

97. Eczema
Nutritional supplements based on salvestrols may help your child's eczema.

98. Massage For Preterm Infants
A study in US Infant Behavior And Development journal found that gentle massage three times a day of infants in neonatal intensive care reduced stress in pre-term babies.

99. Eating For 2 Or 3 Or More?
Don't finish the food on your children's plates.

100. Toilet Training
"More than 80 percent of children experience setbacks in toilet training. This means that what we call 'setbacks' are really just the usual path to mastery of toileting."

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