Babies and Children Tips

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

101-115 Tips

101. Mumps Or Chicken Pox?
Homeopathic 'Belladonna' may help if your child has a sore throat, earache, mumps or chicken pox.

102. What's A Portion Size?
We're urged to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables, but what's a portion size for a child? It's the amount that will fit into your child's hand.

103. Adventurous Eaters
Let your children help with the shopping and cooking to encourage them to try new foods.

104. Wash Your Hands
If one of your family has a cold, make sure everyone washes their hands frequently. Viruses often get passed via door handles. They can also be passed via towels, so make sure the person with the cold uses a separate one.

105. Soiling Clothes
The main reason that children soil themselves is that they are constipated. Constipation can make it painful to pass a stool, so the child becomes afraid.

106. Keep Your Child Safe
A child safety seat for children up to the age of 6 reduces the risk of death in a car accident by 28%. Archives of Paediatric & Adolescent Medicine 2006; 160: 617-21

107. Plastic Toys
Only buy good-quality plastic toys for young children. Cheap ones may contain phthalates which are known to cause problems in the body. If the child sucks a cheap plastic toy, they could be getting a dose of phthalates.

108. Love
"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore." Cindy - age 8

109. Cannabis & Teenagers
Cannabis use more than once a week has been linked to an increased risk of psychosis. Psychosis isnt cool. It could happen to you or someone you care about, so pass this information on.

110. Fruit Juice
Fruit juice is acidic and can damage teeth. Encourage your child to drink water. At the very least dilute the fruit juice.

111. Criticising Your Children
Don't make personal critical remarks to your children (or your spouse) that you wouldn't consider making to a friend.

112. A Safe First Aid Remedy
Keep Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy in the house - it's a great help for all the small upsets of life that make our children cry.

113. Flying Kites
Play safe. Fly kites, balloons and model airplanes in wide-open spaces, and particularly avoid power lines.

114. Kids In Cars
make sure your children understand that it's dangerous to distract the driver. Explain this to them when you're not in the car.

115. Small Decisions

Let your children make small decisions even when you know they are wrong. They too learn by their mistakes.

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